Optimising Corporate Structures
In a few meetings (the exact number depends on the size of the company and the number of shareholders) we will work with you to determine the best structure for your company, based on your goals. An optimal solution is generally found in the case of
- Company formations
- Company take-overs (generational successions)
- Buying or selling of companies
- Admitting new shareholders
- Developing new fields of business
- Crises in certain parts of the business
- Changes in family circumstances (marriage, divorce, children) and
- Changes in tax laws
Once the legal structure is laid out, we can move on to the implementation. This will typically include:
- The conclusion of the Articles of Association and shareholders agreements
- The establishment of Rules of Procedure
- Capital increases and reductions and
- Reorganisations
Our clients‘ objectives are usually:
- Excluding personal liability
- Preserving family assets
- Securing part of the comany while other areas of the business are being developed or another part of the company is in a crisis and
- Tax savings.
In order to best achieve your goals, we will also work together with other consultants, for example your tax advisors, advertising and promotional agencies or patent attorneys, etc.
We are at your disposal for further information and to analyze your situation.